Thursday, May 31, 2007

Old dogs can learn new tricks after all

Ha! After publicly announcing that I was DONE with blogging at the Spring Bridal Show (see Chronicles of Blunderview) I thought I would try once more.

I had been stymied by the beta blogger, and just couldn't seem to remember that the log-in process is now EXACTLY THE SAME AS WHEN I CHECK MY HOTMAIL! One would think that would be easy to remember, but nooooooooooooooooooooooo not for me.

So here I am. With an animal theme. Isn't it great? Aren't weddings and showers great?


Blogger it's a gong show... said...

So happy to see that you've come to your senses and returned to the world of blogging.

It was great seeing you at the Bridal Show. You're outfit was by far the best one there! lol

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're back! I had almost given up. Laura

6:58 PM  

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