Thursday, July 13, 2006


In the midst of the nightmare that has become reality for my family over the past few weeks, there have been jewels, little and big blessings that keep renewing my faith in God, people, family, and the incredible power of love. I have moments of feeling guilty about some of the jewels, then come back to my senses and remember that it's okay to feel blessed, even when life in general looks pretty grim. Here's a little list of my jewels.
  1. Developing a closer relationship with my brother's little girls. Generally, I'm so busy running in circles, that I don't have time to spend hours and hours playing, reading stories, splashing in the wading pool, going for walks, and getting to know and love these 2 beautiful little girls.
  2. Sitting outside their house in the evening as the girls sleep and visiting with their wonderful friends, who also happen to be neighbors.
  3. Standing on the top rung of a step-ladder (you know the one where it says "Don't stand on here - YOU COULD LOSE YOUR BALANCE") and blasting environmentally friendly stuff on a wasps nests. CAll me sick in the head, which is actually an accurate assessment, but I enjoy watching what happens during and after these localized thunderstorms.
  4. A phone call that I received while waiting in line to get my car washed. A friend had redone the grout and silicone in my bathroom, and laid down new linoleum. The phone call was to say "Don't send any money. This is our gift to you." Out of the blue, unexpected, and oh so kind.
  5. Family
  6. Being real.
  7. Love

My jewels.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlotti, your blogs warmed my heart and I think my heart needed a little warming. I'm thankful for lots too. "Blessings", Kettie

5:46 PM  
Blogger joyce said...

this is a beautiful post- well said. Its a great extention of Ken's life, being with everything that is him.

6:27 AM  

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